< SacredPsyc - Presentations / Workshops


Belleruth Naparstek, LISW
Jean Houston, Ph.D.
Rabbi Zalman M. Schachter - Shalomi,
Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
John Milton


"We salute Jungian psychologist, neuropsychology testing expert, ex-marine, spiritual seeker and photographer, Doug Canterbury-Counts PhD, a most extraordinary and generous healer and teacher in Southeast Florida, who works every day to honor the beauty of this planet and everyone and everything on it."

Belleruth Naparstek, LISW



"Douglas Canterbury-Counts is an adventurer in human excellence. A man of wisdom and profound insight, he guides his students through the labyrinths of new possibilities with brilliance and compassion. Sometimes a great teacher comes along who opens doors in the minds of his students to worlds unexpected but life changing. Dr. Canterbury-Counts is one of those teachers."

Jean Houston, Ph.D.



"Dr. Douglas Canterbury-Counts is a gifted and discerning people helper with heart-full, spirituality as well as excellent professional credentials and life experience. Having trained and practiced in several spiritual disciplines he is emerging also as a charismatic inspirational presenter and soul guide. Most importantly, he empowers people to grow and gives them the tools to do it with. I recommend him warmly and highly."

"Mazzal Tov Kailash Shankara! Jai Jai"

Rabbi Zalman M. Schachter - Shalomi


My student is not just a teacher of the mind but also a teacher of the heart. He is a psychologist worthy of being heard and understood. First he looks at the person's soul before him and then he speaks from the gentleness of his own place of the lotus heart. He cares not for himself when he takes care of people. I have watched him with children who have no place to go. I have watched him reach into the depths of his being to give and to give. He does not stop caring, whether it be in America, in Africa, or in any part of the world.

If you have the opportunity to hear him speak you will know that he is not speaking from an intellect worn dry by the history of humankind. He speaks entirely from the space and interest of the heart. Every teacher can learn something from him.

He is a warrior upon a path that few take. It is the path that leads toward humanity's dream of peace and love.

I am very proud to be called his Guru and his Ma. Indeed, his life has made a difference for so many others.

Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati


"The work of Doug Canterbury-Counts has been pioneering and seminal in the critically important, emerging field of sacred psychology. I have had the honor to work with Doug for over two decades, and have found him to be one of the most creative and sensitive people I have ever encountered. He has a unique ability to bring together the many threads of human potential and weave them together into patterns that bring each soul he works with into deeper truth, in a way that accords with their own natural path. In short, Doug is a remarkable man, and one who I recommend to anyone needing to search more profoundly into themselves and outer Nature."

John Milton
Sacred Passage & The Way of Nature Fellowship

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8445 Campbell Ave.  |   Sebsatian, Florida 32958
Phone: 772.532.5769   |   Fax: (866) 806-5244
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